Disclaimer: All the information researched through this page and links should be further reviewed by a real estate attorney and revised by the respective building or state department.
New Jersey Building Permit Decoder
Instructions: Here below you will find the access portal into the state of New Jersey treasury database containing building permit records. In this database you will find building permits along with the category of construction they belong to and many other important data such as permit number and costs. This data should be written down and researched through the respective building departments. Township building departments can sometimes share some information based on the permit number which could be faster than waiting two weeks for an OPRA report.
First step in using this permit decoder is to visit and finding the BLOCK and LOT number of the property you're buying. Once your know the block and lot number, along with the township, you will enter this into the search bar (magnifying glass icon) and it should be entered as as the following: TOWNSHIP; BLOCK; LOT;
Upon entering this, the database will show any records that were shared to the state by their townships. Any information that matches the block and lot number should be written down and further researched. (NOTE: Underground oil tank removals would most likely be located under the category of USE GROUP with the letter "U")